フランス・パリ「Révélations」 出展のお知らせ / Notice of Exhibit at “Révélations”



「Révélations」は、2 年に1度開催される、世界のアートとクラフトのための国際見本市で、厳正な審査を通過した世界各地からのクリエイティブが集結します。


さらに、建築家 岸 和郎氏によるデザイン監修のもと、伝統の枠を抜け出して素材にアクリルを使用したアロマスタンドなど、従来の木とは異なる素材をベースにした作品も発表いたします。



名称| Révélations 
会期| 2023年6月7日(水)〜11日(日)
会場| Grand Palais Ephémère 
住所| Plateau Joffre- 75007 Paris
入場料| 25€(事前予約制)
主催| Atelier d’art de France
URL| http://www.revelations-grandpalais.com/en/



Zohiko is pleased to announce that we will participate in the International Biennale “Révélations” to be held at Grand Palais Ephémère in Paris, France from June 7 to 11, 2023.

Révélations is an international arts and crafts fair held every two years, bringing together creatives from all over the world who have passed a rigorous selection process.
This year marks the 6th edition of the fair, which will feature the works of 350 creators, artisans, and other exhibitors.

Zohiko will be exhibiting works that showcase the best of the lacquer craft techniques that have been cultivated over the 360 years since the company was founded, against the backdrop of Kyoto’s traditions and culture.

In addition, under the design supervision of architect Waro Kishi, we will also present works based on materials different from traditional wood, such as an aroma stand that breaks out of the traditional framework and uses acrylic as the material.

If you are in the area, please stop by and visit us.

■Event Details

Event| Révélations 
Dates| June 7 (Wed) – 11 (Sun), 2023
Venue| Grand Palais Ephémère 
Address| Plateau Joffre- 75007 Paris
Admission| 25€ (advance reservation required)
Organizer| Atelier d’art de France
URL| http://www.revelations-grandpalais.com/en/

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